Wednesday, 25 March 2009

What I miss most about Nigeria Part 2

Part 1 listed Nigerian food as the most craved thing left behind by Nigerian students pursuing their education in UK.

But it is not the only thing. Part 2 attempts to detail the second most missed thing about Nigeria (and for some people the first).

Social Life and Romance

The UK has many clubs and social activities to explore but it is easy for international Nigerian students to get frustrated with their relatively small social network compard to back home. Even those with large networks, invariably complain of the quality of friends and romantic acquaintances they meet. i attempt to explore this issue in more depth in this post.

Nigerians, you either love us or hate us - even if you are a Nigerian! The largest African ethnic group in the UK are the Nigerians so why do they feel there aren't enough?

We are still the minority I am afraid - that's why! But then what do you expect when you move to another man's land, especially those who choose anywhere outside of London.

The majority of Nigerians reside in London, so if you are planning on meeting your future wife or husband here and that person is preferably a Nigerian, London is your best bet.

Where will I see them?
-Your local University ACS (African Caribbean Society - Nigerians dominate these things as we are the majority in terms of black university students, some universities i.e. Cambridge and Greenwich even have a separate Nigerian society!)
-Nigerian societies (I am not talking of cults but rather cultural societies not linked to universities!)
-Certain clubs that play Nigerian music (not the best place to find romance but it can happen!)
-Nigerian sports clubs (there are rugby and football clubs for Nigerians - come cheerlead your way into your future boyfriend's heart - that's a joke by the way, but if you are interested in the games, not a bad way to meet people either!)
-Religious institutions (we are a religious people after all, but please don't go there just to meet people - His grace is watching!)

DegreeAngel UK offers bespoke advice on issues of settling in to the UK, including lists of the instituions listed in this post. Check out our website for more details at:

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